Apples on Wheels.

Țara: Switzerland
Oraș: Zurich
Telefon: +41-79 3 666 000, +41-79 735 06 29
Lista membrilor: Da
Internațional: Da
Adaugă evaluare


Gens Deau
16 Jun '07
Evaluare generală: 9/10
Fotografiile sunt conforme? Da
Serviciul așa cum a fost promis? Da
Prețul conform definiției? Nu
Aranjamentele întâlnirii respectate? Da
Comunicarea cu agenția? Ușor
A new and eye-catching escort service, see offered by Marlene and her team of, at present, seven women. The sight stands out from the ordinary. Marlene’s marketing to date does so as well. I have sampled the services offered by the agency -- see review of Tina elsewhere -- and can attest to Marlene’s efficiency, her quick and cordial help, and her ability to adapt to changing circumstances. Ins short, she and her team delivers ’the goods’ -- whatever you may conceive them to be -- hot, fresh and on time, with a minimum of fuss and a maximum of confidence and good humour. In short the agency comes recommended in every way. For a review of the escort, Tina, see elsewhere. 8)
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