

1.3 din 5 stele


Vera Vera Vera Vera Vera Vera Vera
Rezervă-mă! Evaluează-mă!




Creat la: November 4, 2007
Gen: Female
Oraș: bratislava
Anul nașterii: 45
Tip: White
Culoarea părului: Blond
Lungimea părului: Long
Mărimea bustului: Medium (B), Natural
Înălțime: 165
Constituție: Curvy, Sexy
Fumător: Heavy smoker
  • Czech (Fluent)
  • English (Fluent)


Disponibilitate: La tine:
Servicii: OWO, CIF, COB
Accept sex în trei: Nu



Recenzii Adaugă

  • Sărut: Nu
  • Sex: Mediu
  • Fotografii reale? Vă rog selectați
  • CIM: N/A
  • Sex anal: Nu
  • Sex oral: Fără protecție
  • Extraball: Permis doar o dată
  • Igienă: raw.
  • Vestimentație: raw.
  • Timp socializare: raw.
3 days - $5000€
Aspect - 4/10
Serviciu - 1/10
I saw this girl last month in Rome it was set for 3 days and she was nice but NOT a VIP as she had claimed she was. With each e-mail she continued to tell me she was a VIP girl. She also told me she has many very wealthy clients and if I wasn’t able to see her for at least 3 days to not bother trying to book a trip with her. So I assumed she was all she claimed, sadly I was wrong. I always make myself as clear as a bell so there is no confusion or misunderstanding so the meeting and event will go smooth and there is no problems once money is exchanged as I am friendly, classy and very giving, BUT I expect what is agreed once money has been paid. For the price of her fee she was not as good as many other girls that work alone. She smoked and that was a real problem as she told me in her e-mails she didn’t. She was a heavy drinker which was also something I did not expect, because she said she didn’t drink. She also told me that anything I wanted was subject to a higher fee which depended on what I wanted. I could have oral without, but cum in mouth was more? Kissing was also normal, but when she would not kiss, I asked why and she said that it was more money. Everything that was agreed to, was now changed and everything cost more money. I requested anal as she told me that was one thing she could provide for a small extra fee. But when that topic can up as a serious request she flat out refused and I can’t tell you how disappointed I was. I have had many very nice girls that live up to everything that they claim but this Vera was just a scam trying to make as much money from me without doing much in return. The last problem was when I wanted sex twice in one day, I had a short session in the morning before my meeting and when I returned late afternoon she has refused after I came out from a shower, her reason was only once a day or it costs more money. I will never ever see this Vera again, she is about a 4 in looks, 6 in body and 1 with services.
