

4.3 din 5 stele


Emma Emma
Rezervă-mă! Evaluează-mă!




Creat la: September 18, 2008
Gen: Female
Oraș: london
Anul nașterii: 42
Tip: White
Culoarea părului: Blond
Lungimea părului: Long
Mărimea bustului: Very Large (D), Natural
Înălțime: 165
Constituție: Slim, Ultra sexy
Fumător: Non smoker
  • English (Fluent)
  • French (Minimal)


Disponibilitate: La tine:
Accept sex în trei: Nu



Recenzii Adaugă

  • Sărut: Cu limbă
  • Sex: Entuziast
  • Fotografii reale? Da
  • CIM: N/A
  • Sex anal: Da
  • Sex oral: Fără protecție
  • Extraball: Permis de mai multe ori
  • Igienă: raw.
  • Vestimentație: raw.
  • Timp socializare: raw.
24 hours - 4000€
Aspect - 8/10
Serviciu - 9/10
Belated review due to congenital laziness… and also to the feeling that there was more to Emma than fitted the eye (and needed to be discovered). The first time I met Emma was in escort-dull New York. I bumped into her website and noticed that she was also in NYC. I sent her one of my typical first-meeting mails and she replied “Try again: you can do better”! Needless to say that I was intrigued. Over the next couple of days, blackberries went wild: we exchanged slightly less than a gazillion mails, starting with get-to-know ones and continuing with discussions on, among other, NY’s art shows, UK politics, French resorts and … NY steakhouses! And little by little, in between these innocuous mail discussions, certain more intimate allusions started to appear and pressure started mounting… We ended-up meeting a few days later for a (socially and sexually) memorable encounter. The rest is history. ;-) Emma offers a “package” and it is very difficult (if not misleading) trying to differentiate the social part of a meeting with her from the more private one. For the sake of clarity I will try: Socially, Emma is a delight, especially for older guys like me with a developed Pygmalion syndrome. She is well-read, well-travelled quintessentially English and smart but has managed to retain an eagerness and enthusiasm for new experiences that only very young people have: and boy, she learns fast: a real sponge! Taught her something new and, the next time you’ll meet her, she would have researched it and will know more than you! Needless to say that time spent with Emma flies: she’s intellectually curious, humorous and witty and yet remains simple, down to earth and totally uncomplicated. My RL constraints do not allow it, but I could easily see myself going to long vacation with her. Private time with Emma can be extremely “hot” (I say “can” because Emma does not always like to take the initiative and her companion’s leadership is often key). I’m rarely shy of details but, in Emma’s case, they would be beyond the point: Emma is game for everything and anything and yet, she does not come across like some of C69’s “man-eaters”, but rather as a very horny and naughty girlfriend, totally dedicated and eager to pleasing her partner. Her technique might not be stellar but it comes across so natural and effortless that it increases even further the feeling of being with one’s naughty girlfriend... One of a kind! I have now met Emma several times and will certainly continue seeing her; her fees are above average but she’s worth every penny!